Stock And Audit Projects
We get involved in most aspects of the stock and audit process. Recent examples range from writing and implementing a P&L system for Parklake Hotels through to carrying out detailed food stocks for Youngs and working with Torex to configure the food stock system; a vital part of Young's vision of the future.
Licensing Compliance
We are getting more and more requests for help with licensing compliance matters. Whilst licensing compliance is not something to be scared of, it is something that we should all take seriously.
We have developed a compliance pack and we are now offering this as a service. The pack covers all aspects of licensing compliance in regard to the four licensing objectives, health and safety risk assessment and health and safety policy, fire risk assessment and all the neccessary staff training modules and records. The pack also includes neccessary record logs so cleaning schedules and diary, accident log, incident log, drugs log and proof of age log.
The implementation of the whole package takes less than a day and should be considered a must for anyone who has not addresesd their compliance issues. Licensing compliance is nobody's idea of a good time, but neither is a licensing officer with a closure order.
Straightforward questions may be answered in our forum, for hands on help contact us direct. E-mails to will get the fastest response.